Expert Conversation with Matt Henry and Jeff Blau
Matt Henry, Chatham's Managing Partner and CEO, and Jeff Blau, CEO of Related discuss the real state of CRE, the housing crisis in NYC in both market-rate and affordable housing, the modern office as an ecosystem, and more.
In this video, Jeff provides unique perspective on the following:
- Related's evolution from an 80-person developer to a 4,000-person national powerhouse
- The growing CRE need for private capital and opportunity for firms to diversify their strategies
- A balance of affordable and market-rate housing in urban geographies
- The importance for employers to attract top talent through a better office experience
- The impact of an entrepreneurial work culture in which leadership sets strategy and permits independent decision-making within business units
- Energy sustainability as a strategic business approach for real estate development

Explore another recent Expert Conversation
In this video, Rob Kaplan, former President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, explores critical issues affecting the capital markets and the global economy.

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