Get more from Chatham Rates
Your complimentary login gives you access to actionable data on historical market movements and forward market trends.
Model and analyze with your account
Optimized for desktop and mobile, customize your view and get to the data you need faster.
Historical data sets
Model and analyze 18 months of historical market movements to help guide your future decision making.
Forward curves
View projected interest rates with Chatham's forward curves which can be downloaded for custom analysis.
Intraday rates
Access swap rates that are refreshed hourly and FX rates that are refreshed every 15 minutes.
Leverage intraday swap and interest rates
Your free account provides access to swap rates that are refreshed hourly providing you the market transparency necessary to prepare for underwriting and execution.
Unlock the power of historical data sets
With your account, gain insight into market trends by analyzing 18 months of historical data for over 20 rate sets, including SOFR and SONIA. Use this data to benchmark and explain performance over time.
View projected market rates
Visualize expected market movements effortlessly, enhancing your predictive analytics through your free account. Follow interest rate forward curves with daily updates and downloadable data.
Who we work with
We partner with over 3,500 firms globally. No matter where you are or what you need, we deliver the strategies and insights that take your organization further.