Changes to Chatham’s email address
Chatham Financial is adding the "" domain name to our brand presence. Starting on December 4, 2024, Chatham Financial began using in our primary company email addresses. We will continue to use and deliver email messages to as well. We have taken all precautions within our control to avoid disruptions to clients and employees during this transition.
Why are we adding a new email address?
As a part of several strategic initiatives, we acquired the domain name. We are introducing the domain as an email address to build its association with Chatham Financial's brand and reputation. This migration process from using to primarily using will ensure a smooth transition for our clients without any delivery issues.
How will affect me receiving email from my contacts at Chatham Financial?
You may see a banner at the top of email messages from Chatham advising you about new email addresses. This is to assure you that the email from is legitimate and prepare you for the transition. Also, email replies from Chatham contacts may also start new email "threads" in your email software, such as Outlook.
I subscribe to Chatham’s email communications. Will they change too?
Yes, Chatham’s newsletters, webinar invites, and email communications will come from an email address too.
How will affect my contacts receiving email from me?
There won’t be any change to how your Chatham contacts receive email messages from you.
Will affect how I receive reports or client deliverables from Chatham?
No, you will not experience any changes in how you receive reports or deliverables from Chatham.
Will I log into Chatham’s platform at a different URL now?
No, you can still log into ChathamDirect at the same address.